22nd Annual McGill Biomedical Graduate Conference (AMBGC)
March 22nd, 2022 ǀ Whova and Zoom
For the past 20 consecutive years, EMGSS has had the honor of organizing the Annual McGill Biomedical Graduate Conference (AMBGC). Over these years, this award-winning conference has grown to be one of the largest, 100% student-led conferences in Canada. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, this one-day conference has remained completely free to all attendees, thereby keeping in line with our values of equity towards all students. The EMGSS Executive Council is proud to be hosting our 21st Conference in spring 2021! Prepare for a full day of poster sessions, talks by your peers from the many areas of research within the Biomedical Sciences.
Dr. Robert A. Weinberg
Daniel K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research, M.I.T. Director, Ludwig Center for Molecular Oncology Founding Member, Whitehead Institute
We are also excited to announce Dr. Robert A. Weinberg as our Keynote Speaker for the 21st AMBGC! Dr. Weinberg is the Daniel K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research at the M.I.T., the Director of the Ludwig Center for Molecular Oncology, a Founding Member of the Whitehead Institute and a National Medal of Science winner. He has recently been honored as a recipient of the Japan Prize in 2021 for his contributions to the development of the multi-step model of carcinogenesis. Dr. Weinberg is best known for his discoveries of the first human oncogene RAS and the first tumor suppressor gene RB, as well as his seminal publication “The Hallmarks of Cancer,” which he co-authored with Dr. Douglas Hanahan. Dr. Weinberg’s research has catapulted our understanding of carcinogenesis, thereby making significant contributions to basic and translational research.
We are proud to announce that our event has been awarded Virtual Sustainable Event certification by the McGill Sustainable Events program run by the McGill Office of Sustainability.
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que notre événement a été certifié comme événement durable virtuelpar le programme Événements durables McGill du Bureau du développement durable de l’Université McGill.
We are proud of our Partnership with the McGill Journal of Medicine.
Nous sommes fiers de notre partenariat avec le Journal de médecine de McGill.
MJM Published Abstracts: https://bit.ly/3faUmaK
For accessibility purposes, all sessions are being recorded. However, they will only be available upon request. If you would prefer that your presentation be removed from the recording after the event, kindly contact EMGSS.
“History is who we are and why we are the way we are”- David McCullough.
We are living in a time in history where we have to examine the violence several communities have faced throughout their lives. The Experimental Medicine Graduate Students’ Society (EMGSS), as part of McGill University, acknowledges that the land where our Annual McGill Biomedical Graduate Conference (AMBGC) happens, is the traditional and unceded territory of the Kanien’keha:ka. The Kanien'kehá:ka Nation is a founding nation of the Haudenosaunee/People of the Longhouse (Iroquois) Confederacy which is also comprised of the Seneca, Tuscarora, Cayuga, Onondaga, and Oneida Nations. EMGSS honours, respects and recognizes these Nations. We encourage everyone to understand the history of this land. For more information visit the McGill Indigenous Initiatives website.
«L'histoire définit qui nous sommes et pourquoi nous sommes comment nous sommes» - David McCullough.
Nous voulons reconnaître que l’Université McGill est située en territoire autochtone, lequel n’a jamais été cédé. Nous reconnaissons la nation Kanien'kehá: ka comme gardienne des terres et des eaux sur lesquelles nous nous réunissons virtuellemement aujourd'hui. Tiohtiá:ke (Montréal) est historiquement connu comme un lieu de rassemblement pour de nombreuses Premières Nations, et aujourd'hui, une population autochtone diversifiée, ainsi que d'autres peuples, y résident. La Nation Kanien'kehá: ka est une nation fondatrice de la Confédération Haudenosaunee / Iroquois qui comprend également les nations Seneca, Tuscarora, Cayuga, Onondaga et Oneida. C’est dans le respect des liens avec le passé, le présent et l'avenir que nous reconnaissons les relations continues entre les peuples autochtones et autres personnes de la communauté montréalaise. Nous encourageons tout participant présent à mieux connaître l'histoire de cette terre. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site Web des initiatives autochtones de McGill.